Your donations will assist ECR in providing critically needed services and training in peaceful conflict resolution.
“We know of no better way to equip our students for the 21st Century than to prepare them to get along with others. Our schools are only one of many entities that continue to vie for the time of the competent, caring, and influential people at ECR.”
Connie Curry, Former Superintendent,
Manchester Community Schools
By donating now, you help ECR to provide these services:
Low-cost community mediation services.
School attendance and truancy mediations
Conflict resolution training
Elementary and secondary school workshops
Peer mediator training
The 4th Grade Peace Learning Connection Program
4th grade students participate in a trust exercise as away of learning the importance of mutual interdependence.
“As we look at the increasing importance of such interventions as peer mediation and conflict resolution skills, it is obvious that having a resource such as ECR close by is very important to our school system. It is our hope that the important work they are fulfilling will continue.”
Dr. Lee Harmon, Former Superintendent,
Warsaw Community Schools
Your financial support of the work of ECR, helps us to go about creating...
Safer More Peaceful Schools and Communities
Stronger Organizations
Healthier Families
More Respectful and Positive Youth
Less Stressful Community and Work Environments
Less Violence in Schools, Workplaces, and the Community at large